
Victims of domestic violence feel trapped in a terrible situation, especially since abusers often try to isolate you from friends, family members, and other sources of support. For many, trying to leave can seem even more dangerous than staying in a terrible situation. Fortunately, with some careful planning and legal advice from a skilled domestic violence attorney, you can get yourself out safely.

How Domestic Violence Victims Can Get Help

Tell a Friend or Family Member

domestic violence attorneyYou might be worried about friends or family members finding out, but telling someone you trust about what’s going on is essential. You’ll need someone to help you develop a plan, figure out where to go, and get you out fast in an emergency. After you’ve enlisted someone’s help, establish a signal, like a code word or leaving a certain light on, letting them know that you need help now.

Find Community Resources

Find phone numbers for local shelters and an experienced domestic violence attorney. However, don’t write them down or save them on your phone. Memorize the contact information, and remember to clear your browser history. These resources will give you a place to stay, help you find a job, make arrangements for your kids, and give you the legal protection you need.

Start Gathering Valuables

For the moment, forget about your possessions or family heirlooms. Instead, concentrate on getting copies of your birth and marriage certificates, driver’s license, and passport, and start putting money away if you can. If possible, leave these with a friend or family member so you’ll have them if you have to leave in a hurry.


If you or someone you love needs a domestic violence attorney, the Law Office of Steven J. Priddle is committed to giving effective legal guidance and compassionate support to people throughout Anchorage, AK, many of whom are going through some of the hardest experiences of their lives. He genuinely cares about his clients and will fight to protect them and their best interests. To learn more about how he can help, visit his website now, or call (907) 339-9572 to speak with a caring domestic violence attorney.
