
Watch for these two gals tomorrow at the Alzheimer’s Walk!!!  Thanks to Maren & Nicki for organizing our 1st ever “TEAM HILLVIEW CAMPUS”!!!

Maren & Nicki did a fantastic job of starting our first team ever “TEAM HILLVIEW CAMPUS!!!”

They raised $1,250 through fundraising and donations!  Donations were given by families, employess, friends, as well as anonymous donors---they exceeded their goal 4x!!!  Maren & Nicki were so excited as they stated, “we never thought we would do this well for our first year!!”  Congratulations on a job well done!!!

They even persuaded Darrell into helping paint the purple crowns!!! 


They have even thought of the “fun” prizes.

There is still time to join our TEAM---it is sure to be a lot of fun with these gals leading the way!!!  Join our TEAM as we WALK TO END ALZHEIMERS!!!

If you are still interested in walking and joining TEAM HILLVIEW CAMPUS---watch for the purple crowns, registration begins at 9:00am tomorrow at Myrick Park in La Crosse!  Families of all ages are WELCOME!!!!

If you have questions about our Memory Care program on our Hillview Campus please feel free to call (608)789-4800 and ask to talk to one of our knowledgeable staff about our program!









