
Pests in your home can be frustrating, but understanding the difference between a pesky critter and a dangerous creature is essential to ensuring the safety of your family and home. In Missouri, there are various types of spiders you may encounter, and the professionals at Collins Exterminating have provided a list from the tamest to the most threatening and what features you can identify before you call pest control.

Common Features of Dangerous Spiders

spidersMany people see eight legs crawling across the floor and immediately call an exterminator. However, there are many different species of spiders with a variety of identifying traits. That’s why it’s important to note behavior patterns, which can indicate whether or not the spider is a nuisance or a threat.

Poisonous spiders will often consume larger insects, rather than focusing on a single food source like common house spiders. Due to the size of their catch, their webs will be closer to the ground rather than on a high ceiling. You may also identify the level of danger depending on where you find them. Poisonous spiders usually hide like cockroaches; in a dark, moist environment under a box or a dark corner. That’s why it’s important to always enter areas like basements or attics with caution. Identifying these common features can help professional pest control know if they are walking into a harmless situation or dangerous problem.

Identifying Spiders in Missouri

Black Widow (Dangerous): These spiders are black with a violin-shaped torso. They’re easily spotted by a bright red spot on its underside.

Brown Recluse (Dangerous): These are more difficult to identify. The key defining feature is having six eyes rather than eight.

Funnelweb Spider (Harmless): With brown legs and long stripes running down its back, this helps eradicate other pest issues in your home. They also don’t harm humans.

Cellar Spider (Harmless): These spiders are denoted by their long spindly legs and their tendency to spin webs in dark places, hence its name. They are harmless to humans.

Daring Jumping Spider (Harmless): This spider’s girth is more alarming than its threat, with the ability to grow up to ¾” in size. They hunt other pests in your home and don’t cause problems to humans. However, they can be difficult to catch because of their impressive jumping abilities.


Spiders and other pests in the home can be scary, but knowing which ones to avoid and how to distinguish the harmless from the harmful is essential to keeping your home safe. Call Collins Exterminating at (417) 326-2124 or visit their website to learn more about how pest control services protect your home from spiders and other potentially harmful critters.
