
In many ways, animals are much like their human counterparts. Many of the diseases we contract can also develop in pets. Diabetes is one condition both humans and animals can get, and some of the risk factors are similar between the two species. While diabetes is a serious condition, the help of a trained veterinarian can allow pet owners to provide a comfortable and enjoyable life for animals with the illness. As a leading animal clinic in Statesboro, GA, Westside Veterinary Hospital is here to explain more.

3 Veterinarian-Approved Tips for Tackling Pet Diabetes

1. Know Your Pet’s Risks

Like humans, some pets are at a higher risk of developing diabetes than others. While weight and age are two leading diabetes risk factors, breed and gender can also play a role. For instance, beagles, poodles, and Schnauzers may be genetically predisposed to contract diabetes, along with Burmese cats. The American Veterinary Medical Association ( also notes female dogs and animals older than six years of age are at a higher risk.

2. Watch for Symptoms

veterinarianBefore you can treat your dog’s or cat’s diabetes, you must first receive an accurate diagnosis. Some symptoms of diabetes include appetite changes, increased thirst as a result of dehydration, lethargy, and vomiting. While these signs aren’t always foolproof indicators of diabetes, they should be checked out by a veterinarian. In addition to performing a physical exam, they’ll conduct either blood work or a urinalysis to determine if the condition is in fact diabetes or whether another health factor could be at play.

3. Follow a Treatment Plan

If it’s confirmed your pet has diabetes, the veterinarian will develop an individualized treatment plan to control the disease. Treatment methods will likely include insulin injections, a specialized diet, and a precise exercise regimen. While there is no cure for the condition, following the routine prescribed by animal care professionals can help control symptoms, achieve safe insulin levels, and maintain your pet’s quality of life.

If you suspect your pet could have diabetes, the caring veterinarian team at Westside Veterinary Hospital can help. Through an unwavering commitment to the comfort, health, and happiness of animals, these professionals provide high-quality treatment for every pet they see. To schedule an appointment, call (912) 489-1998 or visit the animal hospital online for more details about their services. You can also like Westside Veterinary Hospital on Facebook for up-to-date news and announcements. 
