
Healthy gums are an essential part of your oral health, which in turn impacts your overall health. To avoid infection and tooth loss, a proactive approach must be taken in the form of bi-annual dentist appointments and daily teeth cleaning. Below, the La Crosse, WI, dental care professionals at Main Street Dental discuss a few of the signs and symptoms associated with gingivitis and periodontitis, also known as gum disease.

Signs & Symptoms of Gum Disease

Bad Breath

dentist Halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath, can be caused by a variety of factors, including smoking, diet, or digestive issues. However, if the condition persists despite daily brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use, you should consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Gum Recession

Unlike a hairline, gums do not naturally recede over time. If your smile appears a little long in the tooth, it may be time to consider discussing the condition with your dental care provider.


In general, healthy gums should appear taut and tight around your teeth. However, when infection is present, the gums will fill with fluid, resulting in a lumpy or swollen appearance.


With some variance, healthy gum tissue should appear pink. If you notice a redder tone, infection is likely to blame. Without treatment, the hue can progress to darker shades, including crimson or purple, at which point tooth loss is imminent.


Without exception, bleeding gums are not healthy gums. Though bleeding when flossing is a common occurrence, it is only an indication that you should floss more often.

Looking for a new dentist in La Crosse, WI? Contact the team at Main Street Dental. Backed by over 30 years of experience, their seasoned team of dental professionals offers a full line of preventive and restorative dentistry treatments, including teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, dental crowns, and tooth extractions. Visit the practice online or call (608) 784-4063 to schedule an appointment.
