
Even if you brush and floss twice daily, you still need to visit the dentist at least every six months. While some people mistakenly believe healthy dental care at home minimizes the need for regular dental cleanings, in reality, everyone benefits from these twice-yearly essential visits. The friendly team from the practice of Brandi Prather DMD PSC in Somerset, KY, will explain why.

3 Benefits of Biannual Dental Cleanings

1. Fight Cavities

Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar may begin to build up on your tooth enamel. Unfortunately, tartar cannot be removed at home; a dentist needs to use special tools to chip away at it. Since tartar buildup leads to cavities, these quick, simple visits will help you avoid more complex procedures down the road.

2. Protect Your Gums 

dental cleaningThe first stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, often occurs due to bacteria trapped in your gums. During your biannual visits, your dentist will thoroughly clean your gums of harmful debris that could lead to inflammation. In addition to regular flossing, these visits are vital to preventing gingivitis as well as the condition’s more serious stage, periodontal disease. 

3. Preventive Care

Often, dental conditions may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. When you visit the clinic twice a year, though, your dentist has the chance to thoroughly assess your mouth and ensure there are no issues. If there are, they can be treated before they exacerbate. For instance, a filling for a cavity is a relatively quick and simple procedure, but without the proper care, the decay may escalate and require a root canal.

To learn more about how to maintain bright, healthy smiles for the whole family, contact caring pediatric dentist Brandi Prather DMD PSC. Schedule a dental cleaning today by calling (606) 679-5437. For more information about their services, visit the practice on Facebook.
