
Whether you're moving into a new apartment or are an existing tenant, your personal property deserves protection. Renters insurance provides that financial security against the unexpected. The local agency of David R Johnson Insurance in Beech Grove, IN, continues to help clients throughout the Indianapolis area with comprehensive and affordable coverage. As a State Farm agency, policyholders can always count on receiving customized renters insurance designed to meet their unique needs.

5 Benefits of Having Renters Insurance

Protects Personal Belongings

From computers and jewelry to clothing and furniture, renters insurance covers losses to personal property. A typical policy will pay for items damaged by natural disasters, plumbing leaks, fire, theft, and much more. Depending on the plan's terms, some belongings may even be protected if they're damaged outside of the rental property.

Affordable Coverage

The deductible and annual payments for renters insurance are generally very affordable. Rates are often determined by where the policyholder lives, coverage amounts, and the type of plan selected. In some states, the yearly premium payments may be as low as a few hundred dollars.

Offers Liability Claim Protection

renters insuranceMost renters insurance policies also come with liability coverage. If someone is injured on your rental property, they can sue you for medical expenses, wage loss, and legal expenses. With liability insurance, those costs are taken care of by the carrier. The typical renters insurance plan offers up to $100,000 in liability coverage; however, policyholders can request a higher amount.

Pays for Temporary Living Costs

If your rental property is damaged and is deemed unfit to inhabit, renters insurance may cover temporary living expenses. The policy will typically pick up the tab for hotel stays, transportation, and food. Depending on the plan, some insurance carriers cover these costs for extended periods of time.

Coverage Extends to Traveling

The policy may also extend coverage to personal items while traveling; this includes by vehicle, airplane, train and other modes of transportation. Whether your belongings are stolen while on vacation or damaged at a hotel, a renters insurance policy will most likely cover the financial losses.

You work hard to pay for your valuables. Protect your investments with quality and affordable renters insurance. For free, no-obligation insurance quotes, call the agency of David R Johnson Insurance at (317) 782-8858. You can also visit the website to get an immediate quote and information on other insurance options.
