
When people think about optic care, many narrow the window of services to glasses, contact lenses, and eye exams. However, recent advancements in optometry include the use of vision therapy, which is a non-surgical, customizable program that works like physical therapy for the eyes. This form of therapy is designed to improve and even correct certain conditions.

Here are a few sight problems vision therapy is used for and how they work:

  • Strabismus: Strabismus is a condition that causes the eyes to align improperly. This can cause one or both eyes to focus inward or in another direction. When the eyes are misaligned toward the nose, this is commonly known as being “cross-eyed.” This condition can cause double vision, eyestrain, blurred vision, and other processing issues. Vision therapy for strabismus includes a variety of exercises that help to strengthen and align the muscles.
  • vision therapyAmblyopia: When one eye is able to focus, but the other peers off in another direction, it’s known as amblyopia. This happens when one eye has reduced functions because the vision signals from the brain are not properly reaching the weaker one. Vision therapy helps the eyes work together as a team, so they both look at the same thing at the same time. Many optometrists utilize special prisms, lenses, or filters to help the weaker eye improve its functions. In some cases, an eye patch is used, so the patient is forced to focus the weaker one to see. These methods help the brain and eyes cooperate more effectively to improve vision.
  • Convergence Insufficiency: Unlike the previous two conditions, convergence insufficiency mainly causes issues when the patient is performing certain visionary tasks. For example, when the patient is reading or looking at things up close, their eyes may drift out or up and cause double or blurred vision. This can cause attention deficit problems, particularly in young children, because they are unable to focus on what they see. Optometrists implement eye-focusing exercises that allow the patient to focus on close-up tasks through online vision therapy programs.


Vision therapy is one of the most effective methods to strengthen weak eyes, improve and correct certain vision impairments, and develop better overall optic health. Staarman Family Vision in Fairfield, OH, is a professional vision center that helps people of all ages improve their sight. Give them a call at (513) 874-1718 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information about their vision services.
