
As of October 1, many immigrants hoping to obtain permanent residency status will find the green card application process more difficult, as the Trump administration enacts new guidelines requiring more applicants to submit to an interview. While existing immigration law does require all green card applicants to be interviewed as part of the process, the government previously waived this step so resources could be focused on higher-risk groups. However, according to new guidelines, those applicants applying for employment-based visas will also have to be interviewed.

immigration lawThese new guidelines stem from the Trump administration’s travel ban, which was implemented as part of a broader effort against fraud and illegal immigration, a central focus of the campaign. While most applicants will still have their interviews waved, those admitted to the country as refugees or on employment visas will now be required to undergo an interview. According to many immigration law attorneys and advocates, this will result in a substantial slowdown of United States Citizenship and Immigration Service agents to process applications and further complicate an already difficult process.

While many critics note that this bill creates bottlenecks in the process, the government claims the interviews are necessary to prevent security risks and ensure those who are granted immigration status are truly eligible for the privileges of a green card. Leading immigration law advocates warn that obtaining a green card, which already takes up to a year, could soon take even longer.


As one of New York City’s premier immigration law firms, the attorneys at Berd & Klauss, PLLC, have worked with clients throughout the world, providing excellent service and insightful legal guidance in a broad array of difficult situations. Visit their website to learn more about their extensive array of services and in-depth expertise, and follow their Facebook for more news updates. To schedule a consultation, call their offices at (212) 461-7152 today.
