
In theory, your adult teeth should last a lifetime. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and you may have no choice but to remove some. King Campbell, DDS, in Pagosa Springs, CO, has performed his fair share of tooth extractions over the years, as well as cosmetic services to repair remaining smiles. Here, he lists three common reasons you may need this procedure.

3 Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

1. Damage

Severe damage from decay or trauma can often lead to an extraction. For example, a cavity that was left untreated for an extended period may be too large to fill. Breakage from an accident, such as falling face-first, can result in pain and a tooth that must be pulled in order to avoid more serious problems.

2. Infection 

tooth extractionSometimes, tooth decay affects the inner blood vessels and nerves, resulting in an infection. In many cases, it can be adequately treated with a root canal and antibiotics. Severe circumstances, however, require a tooth extraction to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of the body. Gum disease may also necessitate extractions as teeth become loose.

3. Orthodontics

Children or adults can also experience tooth extraction to prepare for braces. For most of these individuals, a crowded bite would prevent their braces from shifting teeth into alignment. After orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth extraction is commonly prescribed to avoid undoing all alignment progress as the molars emerge.

Tooth extraction is not a pleasant experience, but it is often beneficial to oral health. Let the compassionate team at Dr. Campbell’s office take care of you from start to finish, so you can be as comfortable as possible. Give the office a call at (970) 731-2126 or visit their website for a complete list of general and cosmetic dentistry services.
