
Just like learning to walk and talk, a baby’s vision develops over time. Sight is one of the first ways small humans explore the world around them. Without the ability to see clearly or discern objects, babies can experience developmental delays, which makes infant eye care essential. Since babies can’t tell their parents when they have vision issues, Whitefish Eye Center of Montana is happy to share common signs for parents to look out for.

3 Signs Your Baby Needs Infant Eye Care

They Can’t Focus Their Vision

Babies aren’t born with perfect vision, and they will spend the first two months of their life learning how to get their eyes to work together. Their eyes may appear to be wandering or crossed during this time, which is completely normal. However, if you notice that one eye is turning in and out constantly, bring them to see an eye doctor.

They Don’t Follow Objects

After discerning the difference between two objects and learning how to focus on their parent’s faces, eye-hand coordination begins to develop in babies. By the time they’re three or four months old, your child should begin tracking objects with their eyes and reaching for them. If your child hasn’t reached this milestone and is still struggling to focus, this could be a sign of vision problems.

They’re Not Interested in Stimulation

infant eye careEven before they’re able to track objects successfully, your child should show interest in lights, mobiles, and other distractions around the first month. However, if your baby seems sensitive to light or indifferent to these effects, they might need infant eye care.

They Rub Their Eyes Constantly

Eye rubbing isn’t just a sign of allergies or the need for a nap—it may also indicate eye fatigue. Bring your child in for an eye exam to rule out medical conditions such as allergic conjunctivitis, which can cause itchy eyes and vision problems.

If you suspect your child has vision problems, schedule an eye exam at Whitefish Eye Center. These infant eye care experts have been operating in downtown Whitefish for more than 40 years. Call (406) 862-2020 today to schedule an appointment for your newborn to have their vision checked. Visit them online to learn more about vision care services such as comprehensive optometry examinations, laser eye surgery, and eyeglasses.
