
Homeowners Bill and Pam Kirby, located in Wilmette, Illinois, thought their 100-year-old home could never attain optimal heating and cooling—and consequently, could never make it on the market. As a realtor, Pam Kirby knows that to sell your home in the brutal Midwestern heat, “you need central air.” Fortunately, the HVAC systems from Mitsubishi Electric® changed that for the couple. The ductless, multi-zone system efficiently and inexpensively cooled their home, securing their sale.

Whether you own a century-old home or a modern apartment, a Mitsubishi Electric smart HVAC system can improve your home’s value, just like Bill and Pam’s. Here’s why:

Energy Efficient

hvac-systemWith multi-zone cooling and heating control, users can direct the flow of air to where they need it. As a result, some zoned comfort solutions are up to 40% more efficient than traditional models. Many systems are also Energy Star® approved, which means homeowners can potentially benefit from tax rebates. Energy efficiency is becoming a top priority for homebuyers, especially due to the myriad fiscal perks.

Smart Technology

Homebuyers—especially younger ones—are increasingly prioritizing integrated smart technology when searching for a home. Mitsubishi Electric’s savvy, wireless operation easily entices buyers, as they control comfort from the tap of a smartphone, laptop, or remote control. In fact, you can link up to 18 devices. Ultimately, the sleek, smart Mitsubishi Electric zoned systems make clunky outdoor HVACs look like a relic of the past.


From near silent dishwashers to washer-dryers, homebuyers increasingly seek appliances whose functions go unheard. While many are accustomed to the noisy rev of the air conditioner, consumers are pleasantly surprised when they can chat with ease over a Mitsubishi Electric HVAC system; due to ductless technology, it’s easy to forget the system is even there. 


To learn more about how Mitsubishi Electric’s ductless heating and cooling systems can improve your home’s value, contact the professionals at Gold Coast Home Comfort in Jericho, NY. They’ve been helping residents for over 60 years attain quality HVAC systems. To speak with a friendly staff member today, call (516) 433-0918. For more information about the team, visit their website
