
A serious car accident can have devastating and even lifelong repercussions. Unfortunately, you run the risk of getting into such a collision every time you get behind the wheel. Even if you follow all traffic laws and exercise caution when driving, you cannot rely on other motorists to do the same. If you were hurt because of a reckless or negligent driver, a car accident lawyer from Hill & Hovis in High Point, NC, will help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

3 Times You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

1. Liability Is Unclear or Disputed

To file a successful injury claim, you need to prove the other party is liable for the damages you have incurred. A seasoned lawyer will have extensive experience proving liability in all kinds of scenarios, so you should consider calling one if it is unclear who caused the accident or the other party’s insurance adjuster is disputing their policyholder’s role in the collision.

2. You Are Unable to Return to Work

car accident lawyerIf you sustain debilitating injuries and are unable to return to work for an extended period—or at all—your family’s financial security is at stake. Although you can file a claim against the liable motorist on your own, an attorney will ensure you include all possible damages in the final settlement amount. In fact, for many accident victims, hiring an injury attorney pays for itself because they can secure a much larger settlement than they would have been able to on their own.

3. Adjuster Is Refusing to Negotiate Fairly

Insurance adjusters are skilled negotiators, and you need a seasoned ally by your side to ensure your best interests remain a priority during the proceedings. If the adjuster is refusing to acknowledge the validity of your claim or has offered a settlement that is much lower than what you deserve, hiring an attorney will show them you mean business.

If you were hurt in a wreck with a reckless motorist, turn to a car accident lawyer from Hill & Hovis in High Point for assistance with your claim. To learn more about hiring a personal injury lawyer from their team, visit their website, and call (336) 883-6000 to schedule an initial consultation. 
