
The catering team at Natsunoya Tea House is inspired by the rich history of Japanese tradition, and is dedicated to sharing it with the people of Honolulu, HI. Part of this history is the bento, the now well-known and widespread lunch box with multiple compartments for the different parts of a meal. The word bento dates back to the Southern Song dynasty, and in the hundreds of years since its origin, the box has seen significant changes.

A Catering Company’s History of the Bento

A Necessary Tool

The bento box first began with the farmers and workers of 5th century Japan. They packed a lunch each day and brought it with them out into the fields. Because they needed a balanced lunch complete with protein, rice, and vegetables, they created a box with compartments to separate each part of their lunch. As the use of the box spread throughout China and the Philippines, each culture created their own version of a meal, putting whatever they desired into the compartments. The boxes were usually made of wood or basket materials, and started to be found at social gatherings in addition to packing work lunches.

Becoming a Status Symbol

After the First World War, the gap between the poor and the wealthy widened. In the early 1900s, the first aluminum bento box was made. Wealthy parents began sending their children to school with these shiny, luxurious lunches. Every bento was neatly packed with a healthy and balanced lunch. The once utilitarian bento became a status symbol as the poor could no longer afford them.

The Bento of Today

cateringAs recognition for the bento spread, people began using it across the world. Japanese-American sugar plantation workers brought it overseas to western nations, and it came to commonly be used across America in the form of TV dinners. In the 1990’s, characters came to life in the boxes. The bento is often seen as a form of art, with intricate portions in each box, arranged to create characters and beautiful images. Now, the bento is even more so a status symbol, as wealthy mothers will create intricate boxes for their children—the more intricate the box, the higher the family status.

The bento is still seen across the world today and has joined the catering world. As a result, Japanese catering companies create food that is both tasty and attractive. If you’d like high-quality, full-service catering and banquet facilities, contact Natsunoya Tea House at (808) 595-4488. You can also learn more about the catering company online.
