
Is there anything as frustrating as a broken air conditioning unit in the middle of an Alabama summer? At Williamson Air Conditioning, they understand how overwhelming the heat and humidity can be for Orange Beach, AL, residents, but they stress the importance of avoiding silly mistakes just to return the climate control of your home. Below, they list the three steps you should never take when your AC quits working.

What You Shouldn't Do When Your Air Conditioning System Quits Working

1. Attempt to Troubleshoot on Your Own

While it may be tempting to try and diagnose the issue on your own, a do-it-yourself repair is extremely dangerous. It's important to remember that your AC is connected to electricity, and attempting to take apart the unit could cause an electric shock. You also risk causing more damage to the air conditioning system as a whole.

2. Poke, Prod, or Hit Your Unit

air ConditioningYou also need to avoid jostling the unit. The thought of avoiding a repair bill may be enticing enough to poke or prod the unit with the hope that it'll magically start working again, but the reality is that you'll cause more harm than good. Also, don't hit or kick the unit out of frustration, as this momentary lapse in judgment could substantially raise an AC repair bill by causing more damage. The best thing you can do is to leave all aspects of your system alone and contact your air conditioning service provider as soon as possible.

3.  Use Your Refrigerator to Cool

When the AC goes out, the desperation for cold air may convince you to utilize your refrigerator or freezer for temporary relief, but it's a bad idea. Holding your fridge doors open for extended periods of time causes the temperature of the food inside of it to rise. This situation can quickly lead to bacteria growth, and if eaten, there's a high potential for food poisoning and other dangerous health side effects. The minimal amount of cooling provided by the fridge isn't worth the risk.

Skip the dangerous situations above and get your air conditioning system working again by contacting Williamson Air Conditioning. Since 1983, the full-service HVAC company has earned a reputation for honest and reliable service throughout the Baldwin County area. Learn more about their heating and cooling specialties online, and get emergency repair assistance by calling (251) 981-3872.
