
The aftermath of a car accident can be a time of great uncertainty: you're likely feeling shaken up, you may have injuries that need tending, and your anxiety could be difficult to quell. Even with these difficulties weighing on you, it's crucial that you make sure you are legally protecting yourself. The accident attorneys at Cronin Skilton & Skilton, P.L.L.C., have offices in Charles City and Nashua, Iowa; below, they share three legal tips for properly protecting yourself after a car accident.

3 Legal Tips for Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

1. Never Admit Fault

For many people, it's a kneejerk reaction to take the blame when an accident or unforeseen event strikes. From a legal perspective, however, this can be problematic. Do not admit fault at the scene of an accident. Even if you feel certain you were the cause of the crash, or contributed to it in some meaningful way, admitting fault puts you in a sticky situation; remember: you don't know all the facts yet, and you may actually not be as responsible as you think.

2. Alert Your Insurer

accident attorneyYour insurance company is in the business of safeguarding you in the event of an accident or injury. Unfortunately, they can put strict parameters around when and how much protection they provide. For instance, if you don't promptly alert them of an accident, they might refuse to defend you. It's in your best interest to call your insurer immediately after an accident.

3. Do Not Sign Documents From the Other Driver or Their Insurer

The other driver's insurance company wants to get you to settle for less than you are owed; they may even want you to take full blame for the accident, thus denying you compensation altogether. Never sign documents from the other driver or their insurance company without first consulting your accident attorney. Similarly, do not ever give a recorded statement to the other driver's insurer. Their goal is to trip you up and get you to incriminate yourself, and you should not open yourself to these tactics.

Contact Cronin Skilton & Skilton, P.L.L.C., to make an appointment with an accident attorney; they also provide representation in bankruptcy, personal injury law, and will and probate matters. Call (641) 435-2462 or follow them on Facebook to learn more about any of their practice areas. Protect your rights, and keep the above tips in mind if you should ever find yourself in a car accident.
