
No matter how well you take care of your home, an infestation is still possible. Rodents have crafty ways of sneaking in, so if they’ve achieved access to your household, it’s crucial to call an exterminator as soon as possible. As the premier pest management experts in Wahiawa, HI, Aloha Termite & Pest Control removes unwanted visitors quickly and efficiently. Below, they share three key signs that you need rodent control.

3 Signs You Need Rodent Control

1. Sightings & Sounds

Rodents don’t always stay hidden. If you’re awake at the right time, you could catch them in plain sight. Since they’re most active in the dark, you might spot one while grabbing a late-night snack. Sounds are another major warning sign. If you hear frequent scratching, crawling, or squeaking, you likely have an infestation. 

2. Tracks

rodent controlRodents stay within specific zones because they all follow the same paths to reach food sources and nesting spots. You’ll be able to identify these spots by tail marks and tiny footprints. Once you find these, call your exterminator to perform the necessary rodent control services. A professional will determine which type of rodent is present by studying the size and shape of these footprints—this helps to make pest management easier and more effective. 

3. Droppings

Droppings are usually spotted in kitchen areas, such as your cupboards and drawers. Rodents are always on the lookout for food, so the presence of droppings will likely attract even more critters to your home. These creatures are notorious for leaving droppings behind almost everywhere they go, which is why feces are one of the most notable signs of an infestation. 

If you have spotted unwanted visitors in your home and need professional rodent control services to remedy the issue, look no further than Aloha Termite & Pest Control in Wahiawa, HI. From ants and termites to mice and rats, these experts will quickly and effectively get rid of the problem for good. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (808) 622-2268 to schedule your free inspection today.
