
Many homeowners assume that their heating and cooling costs are purely based on how frequently they use their HVAC system. While frequency of use certainly impacts your monthly utility bills, the HVAC services team at Stone Electric in Kiowa, OK, are quick to note that your furnace’s heating efficiency is another important factor to consider when trying to manage heating expenses.

HVAC servicesSo what is heat efficiency and how is it measured? When purchasing a furnace or checking on the status of your current unit, this is actually relatively easy to discover. Each furnace has an AFUE, or annual fuel use efficiency rating. This rating is used to measure the energy efficiency of your furnace, detailing how much energy is lost while the unit is in use. The higher the rating, the more efficient the unit.

For example, Energy Star® certified furnaces are required to have a minimal AFUE rating of 95. This means that when the unit is in operation, only about five percent of the energy used is lost because of operating inefficiencies. The remaining 95% goes directly to heating, allowing it to heat your home more quickly and efficiently. While units with a higher AFUE rating may require a greater initial investment, the long-term utility savings will make up the difference.

Regardless of your furnace’s AFUE rating, HVAC service professionals are quick to note that keeping up on standard maintenance is essential if you wish to keep utility expenses down. Changing air filters, scheduling annual inspections, and taking care of other basic maintenance tasks will ensure that your system continues to operate at peak efficiency. If you don’t care for your system’s basic maintenance needs, even an extremely energy-efficient furnace could drive up your utility bills.

Whether you need air conditioning repair or a qualified electrician, the team at Stone Electric will help you keep your home in top shape. To learn more about their HVAC services, visit them online or call (918) 432-6312.
