
Practicing proper dental care is not only one of the best things you can do for your health, but it can also save you money. Oral health problems, when left unattended, can lead to costly surgeries and put your well-being at risk. Fortunately, preventative care is easy and affordable. Teresa Wade, DDS - Family Dentistry in Andrews, TX, shares the most common dental issues and how to avoid unnecessary pain and expenses.

How to Avoid These 5 Common Oral Health Problems

1. Tooth Decay

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are the most common oral health disease. You can prevent cavities by flossing and brushing your teeth regularly, eating a nutritious diet, and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks.

2. Bad Breath

If you have consistently bad breath, there’s a good chance it’s caused by an oral health problem such as gum disease. To prevent bad breath, see a dentist immediately to see if it’s a sign of a bigger issue.

3. Ulcers

Dental CareUlcers are painful sores inside the mouth. To prevent them, try using a soft toothbrush and avoiding spicy foods. If you’ve had an ulcer for more than three weeks, visit your dentist. They may need to prescribe a special medication or toothpaste to treat your ulcers, as well as check for the possibility of cancer or other diseases.

4. Gum Disease

There is evidence that gum disease may be linked to heart disease. Preventing it is a matter of living a healthy lifestyle, eating a nutritious diet, and refraining from smoking or using tobacco products. Regular trips to your dentist will alert you to developing gum infections and allow you to make necessary changes.

5. Toothaches

Toothaches can be persistent and distracting, and you should never ignore them. They are caused by a number of issues, including infections and decay, and may require surgery. Regular trips to the dentist will help you avoid toothaches by identifying and treating problems before they develop.

Regular visits to your dentist will help you avoid most dental emergencies and diseases. If it’s been over a year since your last checkup, book an appointment with Teresa Wade, DDS - Family Dentistry today! Texas born and raised, Dr. Wade has been a part of the Andrews community for 38 years. To book an appointment, call (432) 523-7782 or visit her practice online.
