
In the state of Missouri, parents must support their children, regardless of their relationship status with each other. Therefore, when a couple divorces and one parent becomes the custodial parent, the other must make regular child support payments to help cover the costs associated with raising the children. If you have questions about enforcing a child support order, turn to Woodlawn Law Offices in O’Fallon, MO.

A seasoned lawyer from their team can address your concerns and guide you through all family law proceedings regarding divorce, custody, and child support. Here are three things you should know about child support from a Missouri divorce lawyer: 

1. There Are Minimum Payment Requirements

In the state of Missouri, there are specific guidelines for calculating how much a noncustodial parent’s support obligations should be. This fee schedule is essentially nonnegotiable, but it is possible to modify a child support order if your circumstances change significantly. Although parents may agree to pay more than the ordered amount as determined by the guidelines, they may not pay less.

2. There Are Several Factors to Consider

lawyerThere may be established guidelines for calculating child support, but family court recognizes that everyone’s financial situation is different. For this reason, an individual’s annual income is not the only factor determining the support order. Other factors influencing the required payment amount include the financial and educational needs of each child, the amount of time the children spend with each parent, and the expenses associated with the visitation or custody arrangement.

3. There Are Consequences for Failure to Pay

If you fail to pay your child support obligations, there are serious financial repercussions, including wage garnishment and property seizure. Additionally, you cannot discharge overdue child support payments by declaring bankruptcy. If you cannot meet your support obligations, a family lawyer will help you explore your options regarding modification.

If you have questions regarding child support in Missouri, turn to Woodlawn Law Offices in O’Fallon. You can learn more about this firm’s vast areas of expertise, including workers’ comp and probate law, by visiting the website. To schedule an initial consultation with a family lawyer, call (636) 240-6667. 
