
It is likely that you or someone you know could benefit from hearing loss treatment. While your chances of having a hearing impairment increase as you age, it’s not unusual for young adults or those in middle age to develop hearing loss, too. To help you maintain your quality of life, the hearing instrument specialist at Heartland Better Hearing in Elizabethtown, KY, would like to make you aware of five signs of hearing loss you should look for no matter your age.

How to Tell You Need Hearing Loss Treatment

1. You Constantly Ask People to Repeat Themselves

A common sign that people should seek hearing loss treatment is that they ask people to repeat themselves frequently in conversation. This repetition often strains relationships and may make people less willing to speak with you.

2. You Turn Up the Volume

Do your loved ones ask you to turn down the TV or music? You may have it up so loud because you can’t hear well at a lower volume, potentially indicating hearing loss.

3. You Avoid Talking on the Phone

hearing loss treatmentIt can be difficult to hear the person on the other end of the phone line if you have hearing loss. You may avoid answering or making calls and opt for visual communications instead, such as texts and emails.

4. You Can’t Hear Certain Pitches

Many people who need hearing loss treatment lose their ability to hear certain pitches. For example, you may not notice high sounds, such as kids playing, dishes clanking, or birds chirping.

5. You Need to See Someone Talking to Understand Them

If you have a hearing impairment, you may make an extra effort to look at someone when they speak to you. Watching a person’s face allows you to read facial cues and see their lips, which can help you better understand what they’re communicating.

Hearing loss can negatively impact your life, affecting your relationships and even causing loneliness. Don’t let it go untreated. Contact a hearing instrument specialist or audiologist for hearing loss treatment. Call Heartland Better Hearing at (270) 735-9352 or visit the website to learn about their free hearing tests, hearing aids, and hearing instrument repairs.
