
From Achilles tendinitis to rolled ankles, corns, and athlete’s foot fungus — if you’re physically active, you are at risk for an array of ailments. These issues not only cause discomfort, but they can also get in the way of your training. You can protect yourself by taking some simple ankle and foot care precautions.

5 Ankle & Foot Care Tips

1. Get Good Shoes

Your sports shoes should be comfortable and fit well, leaving enough wiggle room for toes but not so much that it slips off the heel. The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine recommends replacing shoes every 300 to 500 miles of running or walking, or every 45 to 60 hours of sports like basketball and tennis.

2. Beware of Excess Moisture

Funguses, such as those that cause athlete’s foot, thrive in damp environments. Change out of sweaty gym shoes and socks immediately after exercising. Invest in quality socks that wick moisture away from the skin. After you shower, dry your feet thoroughly — including between toes.

3. Stretch Before & After Activity

foot specialistStretching is an essential part of your warm-up and cool-down exercises as well as your ankle and foot care. Achilles tendinitis, for instance, can result from improperly stretched calf muscles.

4. Rest When Needed

If you notice signs of discomfort in your knees, shins, or feet, take a break. Rest, apply ice, and elevate the affected area. Pushing through injuries such as a strained tendon will only worsen the condition. Take a break from your training and see a medical professional as soon as possible.

5. Care for Blisters, Calluses, & Corns

Attend to sores regularly to avoid infection. Blisters should be left alone and covered with a bandage. If it pops, wash it, apply an antiseptic ointment, and put on a bandage. Don’t try to remove calluses or corns on your own; a foot specialist can do the job safely.


For reliable podiatric services in Blue Ash, OH, put your trust in Foot & Ankle Specialists. These foot care professionals offer comprehensive, cutting-edge care for an array of disorders, from fungal toenails to ankle sprains. You can find out more about their services online. For an appointment, call (513) 769-4408. 
