
Building codes demand that every establishment has emergency lights pointing to exits. Most buildings in the U.S use the traditional emergency exits sign that shows the word in big, bold red letters. However, some states use green exit signs in their buildings. There are also some exit signs that incorporate the “running man” pictogram with the exit sign.

Why Do Exit Signs Have Different Colors?

There's been a lot of discussion about why some exit signs are red while some are green. The introduction of the running man pictogram has also raised questions as to which sign should be used. Using the color red makes it easier to see the signs in the dark or in a smoke-filled environment.

emergency lightsAfter all, the bold red letters are a striking contrast to the black or white background, making it very legible, especially with the use of emergency lights. As for the green exit sign, other countries look at green as the color for safety. This is in direct contrast with the color red, which could mean danger or stop

What Emergency Lights Should You Use?

Red exit signs are more commonly used in U.S, but green exit signs are also being seen in more buildings. The color exit sign to use depends on the state. Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations mandate that the letters in exit signs should be at least six inches high, but the color restrictions are up to the state and municipality.

For instance, states like South Carolina or Illinois use green exit signs. Aside from the color, exit signs should also use emergency lights, whether internally or externally. LED exit signs are popular but photo luminescent signs are good as well.


Wondering what emergency lights to use? Jacob Electric can help you with all your indoor and outdoor lighting needs. These premier electrical contractors have been servicing Honolulu for more than two decades now. To know more about what they can provide for you, call (808) 349-4410 or visit their website.  
