
Whether you’re a new motorcycle owner or have owned a bike for years, you know you need a good motorcycle insurance policy to keep you and your bike safe on the road. Working with local insurance companies will help you get coverage that meets all the local codes and regulations while providing stellar protection on the road. The agents at BestRate Auto Insurance in Statesboro, GA, want to help you find the best coverage at an affordable price. To help you understand what you need from your motorcycle coverage, they answer four of the most frequently asked questions.

4 Questions to Ask Local Insurance Companies About Motorcycle Coverage

1. How Much Coverage Do I Need?

No two bikes will need the exact same coverage. It all depends on your riding style, the type of bike you have, and how frequently you use your bike. If you’re riding on the track, you may want to purchase more insurance since there’s a higher chance of significant damage during a crash. However, if you’re only riding every other Saturday, you may want a lower coverage option as your bike won’t be exposed to risky situations as frequently.

2. Is It Required by Law?

Insurance CompaniesJust like car insurance, motorcycle insurance is required for every motorcycle and scooter over 50cc. At very least, you’ll need to purchase liability coverage, but a comprehensive policy may be best if you’re planning on using your bike as a daily commuter. Remember, the more you’re in traffic, the higher risk you are at for needing to file an insurance claim.

3. Can’t I Purchase Insurance on My Own?

While you don’t need to work with local insurance companies to find coverage, you may not get the best price on your premiums. Experienced agents work to help you identify discounts, find the best motorcycle insurance rates in the current market conditions, and make sure you have the right policy for your riding habits. Best of all, you may be able to bundle your motorcycle coverage with your homeowners’ insurance for additional savings—something you may not be able to do online.

4. Is a Passenger Covered by a Standard Policy?

Additional riders, whether they’re on the seat behind you or in a sidecar, are not typically covered under a standard policy. However, if you know you’ll be carrying passengers frequently, your agent should be able to find a policy that will extend coverage to them.

Let the agents at one of Statesboro’s trusted insurance companies, BestRate Auto Insurance, find you the bet policy for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a new policy or want to update your coverage, their dedicated agents can help. Learn more about their Vidalia location and full coverage areas online and call (912) 489-5942 for a free quote.  
