
Jumping on trampolines has grown from a childhood pastime into an Olympic sport. This increase in popularity has made it possible to find trampoline parks in many cities across the country. While it could be considered as a way for young children to get more physical activity into their lives, orthopedic surgeons are now discouraging their use.

Orthopedic Surgeons Explain How Trampolines Are Harmful to Children

They Are Too Small

The biggest problem with children using trampolines is that they often are jumping at the same time as people who are bigger than they are. When adults or older kids decide to jump with the young ones, the difference in their sizes makes it much more likely for the smaller person to get hurt. A 2016 study discovered that in these instances, the smaller individual is actually 14 times more likely to get injured. 

Numerous Injuries Can Occur

orthopedic surgeonApproximately 186,405 children are hurt each year from jumping on trampolines according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). These injuries occur in many instances, including when they attempt to do dangerous stunts unsupervised, land incorrectly, slam into another person, fall off, or even hit the hard edge. This can result in broken wrists, dislocated shoulders and other joint injuries, and severe head or neck trauma. To prevent this the AAP, recommends parents forgo purchasing mini- and full-sized trampolines for their home, and encourage children to participate in other physical activities instead. They also state that to prevent injuries, trampolines should only be used in supervised athletic training programs and only by one person at a time.

Many Insurers Will Not Cover These Injuries

Because of the known risk of jumping on trampolines, many insurance agencies will not cover medical bills that are sustained due to these injuries. So, if you do choose to go forward with purchasing a home trampoline, you should know that you might not be able to get the proper treatment for your child if they are hurt.


While they do hope you or your child are never injured on a trampoline, the team at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester will provide the highest quality of care if you are. They serve the Rochester, NY, community and specialize in sports injuries, bone fractures, and joint dislocations and trauma. For more information about these orthopedic surgeons, call them today at (585) 723-3000 or visit their website.
