
Nothing beats the thrill of riding a motorcycle down the open road. Whether you’re a skilled rider or a novice, you’ll need a good motorcycle insurance policy to protect your investment. However, a policy won’t do much good if you lack the appropriate skills. The agents at Action Auto Insurance Agency in New London, CT, explain why a safety course is beneficial regardless of your skill level.

What is a Motorcycle Safety Class?

A motorcycle safety class teaches you the skills you need to ride safely on the road. You’ll learn the basic rules of the road, become familiar with the laws governing motorcycle usage, and hone your skills on courses supervised by licensed and experienced instructors. These courses are great for beginners but can be beneficial as a refresher course for seasoned bike riders.

Safety courses are available for different skill levels. If you’re an experienced rider, you can take classes to develop more finesse for handling your bike in traffic. You’ll have an experienced instructor on-hand to analyze your form, improve your riding, and help you be more comfortable on the road.

Motorcycle InsuranceBenefits of Attending a Course

Not only will you keep your skills sharp, but you may also be eligible for discounts on your motorcycle insurance. Each provider is different, and the discount may vary from provider to provider. Your motorcycle insurance agent can determine the total discount you’re eligible for.

Whether you’re an experienced rider or just starting out, let the agents at Action Auto Insurance Agency find you the best motorcycle insurance policy for your needs. Their dedicated team works with multiple providers, so you’re sure to get the best policy, whether you’re looking for auto insurance or a new renters insurance policy. Visit their website for more information and call (860) 444-7224 to schedule an appointment.
