
You might brush and floss your teeth regularly to achieve a great set of pearly whites, but did you know that preventive dental care will also benefit your overall health? Maintaining dental hygiene is good for more than just its aesthetic value—it will also reduce your risk for various diseases and conditions too.

The Importance of Preventive Dental Care

1. Gum Disease

preventive dental careThis disease, also known as gingivitis, causes the gums to bleed, swell, or feel sore. In more severe cases, pus may develop, and the gums might begin to recede. Gingivitis may also increase the risk of developing heart disease, as the bacteria in the mouth passes into the bloodstream. Once it affects the heart, it causes dangerous infections or inflammatory responses.

2. Stroke

Many stroke victims possess a bacterium called Streptococcus mutans, which is also found in the mouth. As it travels through the bloodstream to the brain, it can cause a cerebral hemorrhage or stroke.

3. Respiratory Problems

Similarly, harmful bacteria can also travel to your lungs and cause any number of painful respiratory conditions, including pneumonia. Smokers and individuals with lung disease are at greater risk of developing a problem, but anyone with poor dental hygiene is susceptible.

4. Diabetic Complications

The symptoms of diabetes are difficult to manage, and that’s especially true for those who suffer from oral health issues. Gum inflammation is exacerbated related to poorly controlled glucose levels in the blood. Regular preventive dental care and hygiene instructions with your dentist is the best way for diabetics to approach this.

These are a few of the many health conditions that can be adversely affected by poor dental health.

The family dentists at the offices of Drs Emery & Scuro, DMD, PC, in Rochester, NY, recommend scheduling an appointment to discuss the connection between your teeth and your overall health. They’ll thoroughly examine your mouth and gums and offer suggestions for preventive dental care. Visit the office’s website to learn more about the services they provide, or call (585) 247-7110 to set up a meeting today.
