
You might not give it much thought and maybe even shy away from manicures and pedicures at a spa, but even men need to take care of their nails. Not only do clean and healthy nails look more attractive, but they can also help you prevent irritation, discomfort, and infection. Don’t worry—grooming your nails doesn’t have to be burdensome. The experts at New Paradise Men’s Spa in New York offer some tips for keeping your nails healthy.

3 Ways to Take Care of Your Nails

1. Buff Away Calluses

With the amount of time we spend on our feet day in and day out, especially in a bustling city like New York, the bottoms of our feet become very tough. Add in the extra time you may spend on them running or lifting weights, and you have some serious buffing to do. The easiest way to do this is to use a pumice stone when your feet are soft right when you get out of the shower and then follow up with a moisturizer.

2. Keep Them Trimmed

mens spaIf you want to avoid ingrown fingernails and toenails, you’ll have to keep them short. You can do this yourself at home by cutting your nails in a straight line and then smoothing the borders and adding a little shape to them to keep them from snagging. Just be careful not to cut your nails too short as this can lead to an infection.

3. Visit A Men’s Spa

If the do-it-yourself route sounds like too much work, you can always just visit a men’s spa for a bi-weekly manicure and pedicure to help keep your nails trimmed and healthy. Besides helping to groom your nails, visiting a men’s spa can also be a much-needed, relaxing experience.

Has it been a while since you’ve given your nails a little TLC? Contact the professionals at New Paradise Men’s Spa at (646) 559-1621 to schedule an appointment for a manicure and pedicure today. You can also visit them online for more information regarding all their spa treatments.
