
The research is there to suggest that those who consume more vegetables and plant based diets have less chronic disease such as hardening of the arteries, heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and obesity.  If you are not consuming the recommended 2 ½ cups of veggies a day read below for 5 Ways to Increase Your Veggie Intake.

  1. Grow them…. even a few patio plants and herb garden is a start. You can add to your garden each year. Take the time, you won’t be disappointed.
  2. Visit and purchase from a local farmer’s market or join a coop in your area. A great way to get the freshest produce and support local growers.
  3. Add vegetables to everything. Try mixing in smoothies, soups, or omelets. 
  4. Buy frozen or even canned.  Just eat them!! Any kind. They all have different benefits to your body. Variety is key!
  5. Put veggies in the front of your fridge. Forget the crisper drawer. In fact a huge amount of vegetables are wasted every year in America. Don’t forget they are there. Cut, trim, chop and have ready to grill, stir fry, or toss into any dish.

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