
If you suffer from low confidence or self-esteem issues due to stained or discolored teeth, you might be considering a teeth whitening procedure. While there are take-home kits available on the market, investing in a professional teeth whitening treatment is the most effective way to achieve a sparkling smile. It’s a non-invasive procedure that can be completed in one visit to the dentist.

3 Reasons to See a Professional for Teeth Whitening

1. Efficiencyteeth whitening

At-home teeth whitening kits can take weeks to produce results due to the gradual exposure of your teeth to peroxide bleach. Not only is this inconvenient, but it can also be difficult for some to remain consistent. A professional teeth whitening session, on the other hand, takes about an hour and involves the use of grade bleaching agents that work much faster than a take-home kit.

2. Effectiveness

Whether you choose a kit, toothpaste, or gel, over-the-counter whitening products are only capable of whitening your teeth by a shade or two. A dentist performs a more comprehensive procedure, and is able to reach deeper layers of your teeth. This results in a brighter smile and longer-lasting results.

3. Guaranteed Safety

While there are no significant risks in teeth whitening, the bleach can increase the sensitivity of your teeth and gums. At a professional whitening appointment, your dentist will evaluate the state of your teeth and determine how to go about the procedure without causing any damage. They will also follow proper hygiene regulations to reduce the risk of a possible infection.


If you are located in Independence, KY, and would like to improve your smile with a teeth whitening procedure, turn to the skilled team at Naas Family Dentistry. Call (859) 363-9200 today to schedule an initial consultation. To learn more about the family dentistry practice and their dental care services, visit the website today.
