
Molds and mildew can both be detrimental to your health. They may trigger allergic reactions, respiratory problems, or in the case of black mold, release spores that can be toxic. While it’s much safer to have a home inspector check your home for any signs of mold and mildew growth, learning to tell the difference between the two may dictate how you should address the problem.

Here are some of the ways you can differentiate between them:

  • Physical Attributes: Molds often grow on food and other organic materials. Mildew is almost similar to mold in appearance; however, it can also grow on hard surfaces such as concrete walls and wood. Mildew has a powdery quality to its appearance.

  • Color: Mold can appear green, blue, black, or even orange on occasion. The cause of its color changes is unknown. Mildew often starts with a white color, before turning yellow and eventually black.

  • Air Samples: A home inspector can collect an air sample from your home using a special sampling device to test the indoor air quality. They also check for the presence of mold or mildew-generated particles in the air.

  • home inspectorMicroscopic Observation: Airborne molds and mildew are almost similar in appearance, but a careful observation can reveal what they are and if their specific breed is toxic to your family. Taking a sample and examining it under a microscope will show its characteristics up close.

  • Chemical Tests: Different breeds of molds and mildew react differently to specific chemicals. Home inspectors working in specialized laboratories can use formulated chemicals to ascertain the exact type of fungus present in your home.


Does your home have a mold or mildew infestation? By calling a home inspector from Rainbow Environmental Services in Cincinnati, OH, you can save your entire family from the potential dangers of these harmful fungi. Established in 1990, they have the experience and knowledge to provide excellent mold testing and removal, asbestos abatement, and other services. Call them at (513) 624-6470 or visit them online to learn more.
