
If you are missing teeth and want a beautiful, natural-looking alternative to bridges or dentures, consider titanium dental implants. Dentists recommend durable and reliable implants for many patients because they last longer than bridges and feel more comfortable than dentures. Below, you can learn more about dental implants and if they are the best choice for enhancing your smile.

FAQs About Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants? 

dental implantsDental Implants are small, metal devices that replace one tooth or several missing teeth. A titanium post is installed in your jawbone to replace your missing tooth’s root. After it’s healed, a porcelain crown, made to look like your natural teeth, is affixed to the post and your new tooth is complete. 

Why Do Some Patients Prefer Them Over Bridges & Dentures? 

Whether you need to replace a few teeth or an entire set, patients like dental implants because they are permanent, look more natural, and don’t move around or need replaced. Unlike bridges, they don’t rely on your other teeth to support them, which means your neighboring teeth are protected from damage. 

Who Is a Candidate for Them?

Candidates for dental implants are in good oral and general health. They also have enough jawbone for the titanium posts to stay in place. Patients must be willing to spend more on dental implants than traditional bridges or dentures. 

What Does the Process Involve? 

Your dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to ensure your mouth is in good health. If you are a candidate, you and your dentist will decide on a customized care plan depending on the number of teeth that need replacing and how much jawbone you have. You will then schedule your surgical procedures, which may take several months to complete. During surgery, you will receive anesthesia. One or more titanium cylinders will be placed into your jawbone. Once they are finished healing, your dentist will affix an abutment to them, followed by a crown or prosthesis.

How Do I Care For Them?

You will care for your dental implants much like you would your regular teeth. Visit your dentist for regular checkups and teeth cleanings. You should also brush and floss daily. If you have questions about how to make your implants last longer, talk to your dentist. 


A new, natural, and beautiful tooth will instantly enhance your smile and increase your confidence. To find out if you are a candidate for dental implants, call Dansville Family Dental Care in New York at (585) 335-6170. You can also learn more about caring for bridges, implants, and braces by visiting their website or following them on Facebook
