
The physicians with Eastern Hills Chiropractic Center in Cincinnati, OH, have seen countless patients suffering from poor posture. If you sit or stand for a large portion of your day, proper form is vital to prevent long-term issues. One chiropractor with their expert team has provided three tips that can help improve your posture today. Otherwise, you may find yourself needing chiropractic care to alleviate the symptoms.

Top 3 Chiropractor Tips for Good Posture

1. Practice Sitting Correctly

Poor sitting posture can lead to lower back pain particularly for those in office jobs. A chiropractor will instruct you to sit with your feet flat on the floor with your back supported. Ankles should always be out front with knees below hip-level. If you’re looking at a screen, be sure it’s eye level to avoid straining your neck. Some people find the correct sitting position awkward at first, so it may take practice. Just remember you shouldn’t sit in the same position too long without a brief walk or stretch. 

2. Strengthen Your Core 

chiropractorThe core muscles support the spine while you’re sitting or standing. Strengthening exercises improve your abs’ ability to support good posture for a long time. If you find yourself using your upper leg and buttocks muscles to support yourself, you likely need to improve your core strength. Finally, adding flexibility to your fitness routine betters posture.

3. Don’t Forget About Sleep

You spend approximately eight hours lying down, so adequate support when sleeping is important for overall posture. Your chiropractor will recommend a firmer mattress, but go slightly softer as needed for comfort. You can utilize pillows under your head and knees to create the perfect position that alleviates pressure on your spine and joints. This pain-free rest makes it easier to bear sitting and standing throughout the day. 

Today’s office culture has led to widespread neck and back pain issues. Counteract the negative effects of poor posture by using the above tips to alleviate daily discomfort. If you’ve already experienced some damage from bad posture habits, reach out to the team of Eastern Hills Chiropractic Center. From massage therapy to nutrition advice, their team will treat your symptoms and teach you prevention tactics. Give the office a call at (513) 528-2200, or request an appointment online
