
The AC system in your vehicle is essential to keeping your cabin comfortable. However, it’s important to note that the pressure of your system should never be too high. When this occurs, you’ll need to invest in AC repairs. Below are a few factors that could cause your auto air conditioning pressure to get too high and how they can be rectified.

3 AC Repair Solutions for High Pressure

1.  Replace the Condenser Fan Motor

The condenser fan in your coolant system operates at different speeds and capacities to let air pass through and cool the interior. When the fan motor is malfunctioning, the system will have a difficult time cooling air and allowing it to pass, which will cause the AC pressure to increase. However, it is imperative to test the fan before replacing it, as this problem can sometimes be attributed to a blockage near the fan.

2. Correct Overcharging

ac repair honolulu hiLike your refrigerator or home air conditioner, your auto air conditioning system requires refrigerant to function. However, too much refrigerant produces the same results as too little. In this case, there is so much liquid refrigerant in the system that the pressure is too high for the compressor to work properly. If you’ve accidentally overcharged your system, bring it to an AC repair specialist. They will remove the extra refrigerant and inspect your compressor to see if the overcharging caused any damage.

3. Clean the Condenser

High-pressure and high-temperature refrigerant enters the condenser from the compressor and evaporator. Its role is to dispel the heat and cool the refrigerant. However, if it gets dirty or develops an obstruction, it cannot adequately perform this role. When heat can’t be removed from the refrigerant, it cannot be condensed from a vapor to a liquid. Fortunately, your AC repair team can usually fix this by cleaning your condenser and removing blockages.


If you’re unsure whether your AC pressure is too high, visit the car and truck AC repair experts at Chik’s Auto Air in Honolulu, HI, to have your system tested. They work with the latest technology, so they can diagnose the problem and make driving comfortable once more. To contact them today, call (808) 591-1726. You can also visit their website to learn more about their auto services.
