
There is nothing quite like the excitement of a new puppy. However, it’s important to start training your young dog right away to teach them to go outside when they need to go to the bathroom. That way, you’ll prevent stains and odors from accumulating in your home. Below, the dog care experts at K-9 Camp & Boarding Retreat in Kalispell, MT, share five basic tips to help you house train your puppy.

Dog Care Pros’ Tips for House Training

1. Set a Regular Schedule

The best way to start your pup on the right track is to feed and take them out on a schedule. You’ll quickly learn your dog needs to go to the bathroom a certain amount of time after eating, which will allow you to to get them outside at the right moment.

2. Go Out Frequently

Your pup will relieve themselves in the house if they’re taken outside regularly. It’s your job to bring the dog out frequently to provide plenty of opportunities to do their business, even if it feels like you’re doing it constantly at first.

3. Use Praise

When your puppy goes to the bathroom outdoors, dog care experts recommend giving them lots of praise in the form of treats and affection. This will teach them waiting to go until they’re outside is good and will reinforce this behavior because they’ll want the praise and food.

It’s important to be consistent when house training a puppy. Follow a routine and get to know your canine so you can ensure they make it to the yard before they have to do their business. If you need additional assistance with dog care, like boarding, call K-9 Camp & Boarding Retreat at (406) 755-7487. Visit their website for more information on their cozy boarding options and exceptional services.
