
Healthy, well-manicured lawns don’t just occur naturally. They are the result of regular care and maintenance. But which steps do you need to take to achieve your landscaping goals? Below, the knowledgeable team of garden and lawn care experts at Garden Exchange in Hilo, HI, provide their tips for keeping your yard fertile and lush all year long.

3 Important Lawn Care Tips

1. Lay Sod & Seed Regularly

Spreading sheets of sod across your yard will give you thick, luscious grass quickly. However, this method of lawn care can be pricey, especially if you have considerable acreage to cover. For a more cost-effective alternative, scatter seeds evenly across your grass to reinvigorate bare spots and encourage growth. 

2. Water Consistently

lawn care To ensure proper growth, water a freshly seeded yard daily for 10 minutes. Short, regular soakings will help to cultivate new germination and avoid oversaturation. For more established lawns, water deeply on a weekly basis. Treat dry soil types to longer watering sessions and soak moisture-retaining ground for shorter periods.

3. Mow Properly

Keep your yard thick and luscious by learning proper mowing techniques. The most important thing is to avoid cutting your grass too short. A sheared lawn has the potential to become unhealthy and diseased, and too much sunlight on seed roots will cultivate weed growth. To encourage proper sprouting, ensure that your grass always has length to it by moving your mower’s blade to the highest setting when cutting your yard.

With over 50 years of experience helping customers grow and maintain their yards, the friendly specialists at Garden Exchange will assist with all your garden and lawn care needs. To learn additional lawn maintenance tips, give the team a call today at (808) 961-2875. For more information on the products they have in stock, visit their website.
