
While sand was a popular option in the past, many homeowners are now choosing crushed stone gravel for their yard. It is an excellent material to fill in islands, create beautiful walkways, and design an enchanting focal point in any yard. This type of gravel offers a number of advantages over other choices. 

Below are three benefits you stand to gain from using crushed stone gravel in your yard:

  • Top-Notch Traction: Crushed stone is coarse in nature, making it the perfect choice for homeowners who are concerned with the amount of traction their yard offers. Families with injured, infant, or elderly guests will love that crushed stone allows for safe walking, even when it’s wet. Pea gravel and white marble chips, two of the most popular crushed stone options, come in 1.5- to 2.5-inch thicknesses that ensure the material will stay in its designated place. 
  • Cost-Effective: Landscaping your yard can take a heavy toll on your wallet, but crushed stone gravel is one of the most cost-effective materials on the market. In comparison to other ground materials, those who opt for crushed stone save a truckload of money not just on the material and installation, but also on upkeep. 
  • gravelFlexible: Crushed stone is popular because it allows homeowners to pour the material into any design or shape they can think of. If you have a whimsical vision for your outdoor space, crushed stone can be used to bring it to life. Whether you’d like a windy path or even a zen garden, stone offers a level of flexibility that simply cannot be outdone. 


If you’re a homeowner in Kingman, AZ, and are considering a new landscaping material for your yard, call Desert Construction. For more than 50 years, this team of knowledgeable and experienced aggregate suppliers has helped locals create the homes of their dreams. For more information, visit them online or give them a call today at (928) 757-2213.
