
Pharmacy is an important part of the history of civilization and will be a vital part of the future as well. It’s saved many lives and made even more comfortable as people deal with a wide array of diseases, conditions, and illness. The pharmacists at Columbia Hickory Pharmacy in Maryland are proud to be a part of this tradition in saving and improving lives.

The Origins of Pharmacy in Medicine

Though pharmaceutical medicine officially became a science of its own in the early 19th century, archaeological research proves that pharmaceutical studies have been a part of medicine for far longer. In ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, Egyptians, and Sumerians, there were experts specializing in medicine.

The Sumerians had tables showing prescriptions for medicines, while the Greeks and Egyptians had special groups of doctors who specialized in medicine. They utilized an array of plants and natural substances for their medicinal purposes, determining the benefits each provided and when they should be used.

pharmacyIt wasn’t until the Middle Ages that the first pharmacies were opened. The first recorded drug stores were in Baghdad and were state-regulated. It’s around this time that chemical compounds were used in the field of study as well, using sublimation and distillation.

A valuable Islamic book on pharmacology was written by Al-Biruni called “Kitab al-Saydalah,” or “The Book of Drugs.” This book detailed the types of medicines and their properties. Drug stores started to open during the 12th century, and in 1240 Emperor Frederic II issued a decree separating the physician’s and apothecary’s professions.

This long history developing the pharmaceutical profession brings to you your modern-day pharmacy. The experts at Columbia Hickory Pharmacy are here to help you with whatever you need, whether you have high blood pressure or allergies. Contact them at (410) 964-6409 to fill your prescription or to ask any questions you have about your medications.
