
For couples facing divorce, securing the assistance of a skilled and compassionate divorce lawyer is of the utmost importance. Emotions tend to run high during this time, and with child custody often at stake, it’s important to keep a clear head. Your attorney is there to guide you and to help you understand what to expect.

The following are just a few key questions to ask them as you navigate the process:

How Is Child Custody Decided?

divorce-lawyersWhen it comes to divorce, determining child custody can be one of the more complex factors. If you and your ex are unable to come to an amicable agreement, the courts will step in to review several factors. These include schooling, special medical needs, and whether a parent is unfit to care for their kid, due to issues like substance abuse or mental health.

What Are the Divorce Procedures in Kentucky?

Each state can vary in terms of how divorces are enacted. Accordingly, it’s important that your divorce lawyer is well-versed in local law to ensure a more favorable outcome. In Kentucky, both spouses must agree that their marital union is irretrievably broken and that it’s not possible for a resolution to be met. Spouses must also be separated for at least 60 days before the divorce can be set in motion.

How Are Marital Assets Divided?

Asset division can be complex during a divorce. In most cases, you’ll be subject to your state’s specific laws and regulations regarding marital property and how it should be divided. However, not every case is cut and dry. Your divorce attorney can provide a more in-depth perspective based on the details of your case.


In Flatwoods, KY, local clients look to the Hensley Law Office when they need legal guidance they can trust. They’re well-known for having extensive experience and providing a range of services aimed at helping clients achieve the best results possible. Schedule your consultation today by calling (606) 836-3117. For more information on family law issues, visit them online.
