
Visiting the salon is a great way to relax, unwind, and get the manicure and pedicure you desire. But to make the most of your appointments, you need to consider a few factors that affect how long your nails can go before they need a touch up.

To help you make an informed decision, the beauty experts at Larijames Salon & Spa in Webster, NY, share a few important factors that play a role in determining your manicure and pedicure schedule:

  • manicureLifestyle: One of the main things to look at is what your lifestyle is like. For example, if you’re a stay-at-home parent, you might be able to wait a month in between manicure and pedicure appointments. For those who lead more active lifestyles and partake in hobbies that require them to constantly use their hands, their nails may only last a week before they need a touch-up.
  • Habits: If you constantly bite your nails or use them to open packages, you’ll likely end up breaking them or chipping the paint. If you want to keep your hands looking beautiful, schedule a touch-up appointment once a week. To maintain your manicure, try to forgo biting your nails and use scissors to open packages.
  • Style: Your personal style plays a big role in how often you should schedule manicure and pedicure appointments. For example, if you like to stay up-to-date with current fashion trends, you may prefer to visit the salon every week to keep up with what’s popular. Or, if you prefer to rock your own, signature look, you may be able to wait a month in between appointments. Only you can determine when you want to swap out your current manicure and pedicure for something different.

Ultimately, the length of time between your appointments will vary depending on your unique lifestyle. The next time you’re ready to get your nails done, visit the beauty professionals at Larijames Salon & Spa in Webster, NY. This salon offers manicures and pedicures, as well as massage therapy services, facials, haircuts, and more. Visit them online for more information, and call (585) 671-5140 to schedule an appointment today.
