
Gearing up for a move can take a lot out of a person. It’s downright exhausting just trying to handle the various facets of the move, let alone thinking about going clear across the country with all your belongings. Because of this, many turn to moving companies to handle the transportation of their belongings.

Hiring a moving company can save you time, effort, and hassle. However, when preparing for your move, there are a few essentials you should carry with you to make the experience as pleasant as possible.

3 Must-Haves When Moving Across the County

1. Beauty Products

As you pack for your move, make sure to put your beauty products aside. Items such as your hair dryer, shaver, curling iron, soap, shampoo, and deodorant are critical. You don’t want to get to your new home and struggle to find these essentials when preparing to start a new job. Having them with you will ensure you have the beauty products you need when you need them most.

2. Clothing for Weather Changes

good cross country moving companiesIf you’re moving across the country, there is a good chance weather and climate will present a problem. Plan ahead by keeping a variety of outfits with you so you have something to wear when you arrive. You shouldn’t have to fumble through boxes for a sweatshirt because the temperature is 30 to 40 degrees cooler at your destination.

3. Cookware

You may be hungry by the time you get to your new abode. Having to unpack 50 to 100 boxes just to find your cookware can be frustrating. Keep a few essentials with you such as a pan, pot, utensils, and silverware. As long as you have the bare essentials, you can stay fed until you have the chance to unpack everything else.


With a good cross-country moving company handling the specifics of your move, you can focus on bringing the essentials. Nebraskaland Moving in Lincoln, NE, has extensive experience helping customers move across the country. Find out more about their line of services by visiting them online or calling (402) 466-8169.
