
Regular pet vaccinations will keep your dog or cat happy and healthy. But if you’re a first-time pet owner, you might not know which ones are necessary for your animal. Below, the veterinary experts from Clark Animal Care Center in Penfield, NY, discuss the main types of vaccinations your pet needs as well as some optional ones.

Core Pet Vaccinations

pet vaccinationCore vaccinations refer to those required for your pet regardless of lifestyle. For dogs, these include rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus. Cats will need vaccinations for rabies, feline distemper, feline herpesvirus, and calicivirus. Dogs and cats should receive booster shots for core vaccinations either annually or every three years, depending on state regulations, the type of vaccine, and risk factors..

Non-Core Pet Vaccinations

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors or is exposed to other pets frequently, they might require non-core pet vaccinations. For example, dogs that go to places where other dogs are present, such as boarding kennels, dog parks, dog shows or grooming shops are at increased risk of contracting kennel cough or Influenza virus.  A Bordetella bronchiseptica + parainfluenza (kennel cough) vaccine and the newer Influenza vaccine can help prevent these diseases.  If you live in an area with ticks and your dogs are frequently outside, you’ll need to have them vaccinated against Lyme disease. In areas with rodents and wildlife exposure and wet conditions, leptospirosis infection is also a risk. Most non-core vaccinations for dogs should be given annually.

The most common non-core vaccination for cats is for protection against feline leukemia virus.  Exposure to other cats by sharing food and water bowls and cat fights increases the risk for acquiring feline leukemia virus, which ultimately is fatal.  Current guidelines recommend all kittens during the first year of life should be protected against this deadly virus by vaccination.

To see which pet vaccinations your dog or cat needs, make an appointment with Clark Animal Care Center in Penfield, NY. The veterinarians understand how important pets are to you and your family, and they’re dedicated to keeping your furry friend healthy. Check them out online for more information, or give them a call at (585) 377-1160 to schedule a visit.

