
Rebar plays an essential role in constructing a building of sound integrity. The primary purpose of rebar is to help concrete stand up against certain types of tension. However, not just any type can be used in any construction project. The experts at Magna Steel Sales in Westport, CT, have outlined the most common variants and their specifications to help builders make informed decisions regarding which type to use on a project.

Most Common Types of Rebar

1. Stainless Steel

Starting on the costlier side of the spectrum, stainless steel rebar is widely considered the highest quality. But just because it’s the best doesn’t mean it’s required for every project. This variant is best used when constructing a building that may deal with corrosive substances. Instead of having to do constant maintenance on the building, simply use stainless steel to create a maintenance-free structure.

2. Carbon Steel

rebarWhile stainless steel is used on the most tension-filled buildings, carbon steel rebar can be found in just about every type of building. Also known as black bar, the carbon steel variant is cheap and pervasive. It can withstand pressure but is damaged by water exposure. If you know that the building will repeatedly come into contact with water, it’s advised to choose a different type of rebar.

3. Epoxy-Coated

Carbon steel and epoxy-coated rebar are considered siblings. The only difference between these two variants is the epoxy coating. This type holds up against pressure just as well as black bar but with the added benefit of being able to protect itself against water. It should be understood that a coating won’t withstand water pressure forever. Once the coating deteriorates, the rebar becomes susceptible to water.

If you have questions about rebar, steel, or beam parts for your next construction project, get in touch with Magna Steel Sales. Call (203) 888-0300 to have all your construction questions answered.
