
Your dog requires regular grooming from head to toe—and that includes their ears. The twisty auditory canal is a prime spot for dirt, bacteria, and even parasites to set up camp. Some regular animal care can help keep your pup’s ears tidy and safeguard their overall health. Here, the professionals of Waipahu Waikele Pet Hospital in Hawaii share their expert insight into what it keeps to keep canine ears healthy.

When grooming your pet, look in their ears for ticks, fleas, or other unwelcome guests. You can use a cotton ball dampened with mineral oil or a specially formulated solution, recommended by your veterinarian, to gently wipe the inside of the ears. Never insert anything into the canal! The skin is very delicate, so let your vet demonstrate the process first if you’ve never done it before.

veterinarianThese tips are especially important for dogs with floppy ears, like Cocker Spaniels and Basset Hounds. Pups who produce excessive earwax or have extra inner ear hair are also extra vulnerable to problems. This is also worth mentioning to your dog groomer; with your vet’s approval, they can remove excess ear hair every few weeks to prevent problematic tangles from forming. 

There are certain warning signs to look out for that require an immediate call to the veterinarian. Black or coffee-like ear wax can indicate ear mites and should inspire a visit to the pet doctor. If you notice discharge, redness, swelling, or crusty skin, seek the help of an animal care professional immediately. The same goes for signs of hair loss or bad smells coming from the ear.

If you’re in need of a veterinarian on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, look to Waipahu Waikele Pet Hospital. In addition to general pet care and boarding services, they provide emergency care. You can find out more about their offering online. To schedule an appointment, call the animal care clinic directly at (808) 671-7387. 
