
Your vehicle is constantly exposed to environmental elements that can cause it to rust. According to leading auto body shops, some car owners tend to ignore signs of rusting until it’s too late. Learning how to recognize the signs should help you address the issue promptly and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Here’s what you can do about the rust underneath your car’s paint:

  • Inspect Your Ride: Rust spreads over time, and the best way to combat it is to spot the issue before it gets worse. You should inspect your car at least once a month. Be watchful of rust spots and have them repaired by a highly trained auto body technician to prevent cross contamination.

  • body shopWash Your Car: If you can’t get to the nearest body shop right away, the best thing you can do in the meantime is to keep your vehicle squeaky clean. Using warm soapy water, give your car a thorough wash. Make sure to use a microfiber cloth to dry it completely. This should prevent rust from forming in adjacent areas.

  • Neutralize Your Wheels: Using two tablespoons of baking powder mixed with warm water, wash your wheels thoroughly to get rid of any road salt buildup, which is one of the leading causes of rust. Use a coarse-bristled brush to get into the tight crevices. Be more gentle in brushing areas with exposed steel parts so as not to chip the paint.

The best way to address rusting is to bring your car to an auto body shop as soon as possible. However, these tips should help you prevent it from spreading as you await your appointment at the body shop. If you see rust spots on your car, head on over to Mark’s Auto Body right away. Based in Cincinnati, OH, this collision repair shop has been providing exceptional auto body repair solutions for more than 25 years. Book an appointment with them by calling (513) 731-4273. You may also visit their website to get the latest deals on dent repair and other services.
