
When summer arrives, you rely on your air conditioner to transform your home into a comfortable refuge from the outdoor heat. When it stops working, your arctic haven quickly turns into a sweltering chamber of discomfort. Windward Air Conditioning is the top air conditioning service on Maui, HI. Below, their expert technicians explain five signs you need to replace your air conditioner.

When Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner?

1. Blows Warm Air

Your air conditioner has one, clear purpose—to circulate cold air throughout your home. If it ceases to blow cold air, then you know you should have a professional repair service inspect it to determine the problem. For instance, it’s possible your unit’s freon levels are too low; if this is the case, a technician will recharge the unit and repair the leak. 

2. Low Airflow

air conditionerAnother indication of compressor failure is poor airflow in all of your AC vents. If some vents are releasing cold air while others are not, however, you might need to clean out your ducts.

3. Strange Noises

If you hear a squealing or grinding noise coming from inside your air conditioner, you need to contact an HVAC repair service to determine if your unit needs replacement. A squealing noise is often an indication a belt has slipped out of place or your unit needs more lubrication. Grinding noises stem from broken motor bearings.

4. Odd Odor

If the air coming from your vents smells pungent, it could mean the wire insulation in your unit has burned out. It could also be an indication your unit or ductwork has mold. In either case, it is important to address the problem immediately.

5. High Electric Bill

Electric bills always increase throughout the hot summer months. However, if you see an abnormal increase in your energy bill for no apparent reason, it could mean your unit is not functioning properly or has reached the end of its useful life.

When your air conditioner stops working, contact the experts at Windward Air Conditioning. The technicians at this locally owned and operated business have a combined 26 years of experience performing repairs, so you should be confident they will work quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Call (808) 242-1144 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to read more about their services.
