
Many depend on their freezer to store food items safely away until they are ready to use them. When buying in bulk, you can store excess in the freezer and take advantage of the savings. But, what happens when something goes wrong and your freezer isn’t able to do its job correctly? To quickly get the problem taken care of, here are some signs you might need freezer repair

Signs It’s Time for Freezer Repair

Inadequate Temperature

freezer repair You depend on your freezer to keep the items inside nice and cool. If the items aren’t staying frozen or you notice it feels a little warm inside of the freezer, you might need to have it checked out. There could be something wrong with the thermostat that is preventing it from changing the temperature properly. It could also be an issue with the compressor or the refrigerant. Either way, you need someone to get to the bottom of the problem for you quickly.

2. Loud Noises

Normally, the unit is quiet when running. If it starts making a lot of noise, it could be a problem with the compressor or the motor. The best thing to do is see if the component needs replacement or repair. Allowing it to continue will cause the component to fail, leading to a lot of lost food and money.

3.  Poor Seal

The freezer needs a good seal to trap the air inside and allow it to stay cool. If the seal is worn, it can be difficult for the unit to seal properly. When this happens, the air isn’t going to stay as cool inside. The components have to work twice as hard to maintain the temperature, leading to additional wear and tear on your freezer. This type of freezer repair is relatively inexpensive and doesn’t take long to fix.


If any of the above are things you are dealing with, it’s time to call an HVAC professional to address your freezer repair. Turn to the cooling and refrigeration specialists at Dickerson’s Commercial Refrigeration & HVAC in Lexington, KY, for assistance. You can visit them online or call (859) 254-1436.
