
Gardening is impossible without the right tools for the job. If your equipment is rusty and poorly maintained, every aspect of the work will be more difficult. On the other hand, tools which are well cared for will work more efficiently and last longer. To make the most of your garden supplies, the lawn care experts at Garden Exchange in Hilo, HI, recommend the following tool care tips.

How to Care for Your Garden Tools

1. Basic Cleaning

GardeningEvery gardening session should end with a quick, simple cleaning. Rinse any dirt off your tools with a garden hose, then dry them before you put them away. This will help limit the potential for rust.

2. Sand & Oil

Another great way to guard against rust is to scour and oil your blades. The simplest way to do this is to keep a pot of sand mixed with oil in your gardening shed, and plunge your tools into it after every use. Linseed oil is a good choice for this purpose, as it won't harm your garden.

3. Handle Maintenance

You should also take care of your garden tools’ handles. A smooth handle treated with linseed oil will be resistant to water and will be less likely to splinter.

4. Wall Hooks

Keep your tools from touching the walls and floor in your shed as much as possible. Hanging your tools allows for greater air circulation, which decreases moisture and the likelihood of rust.

5. Blade Sharpening

Tools such as gardening shears are much more effective when they are cleaned and sharpened regularly. For the best results, sharpen all your bladed tools using a whetstone or carbide sharpener.

By adding just a few minutes to your gardening routine, you can prolong the life span of your tools. For more tips on maintaining your equipment, turn to the professionals at Garden Exchange. You can reach them at (808) 961-2875, and visit their website to learn more about their supplies.
