
From storm damage clean up to rot, there are several reasons why trees pose safety hazards to your property. While it’s best to take a proactive approach, some emergencies can’t be avoided, which is why a tree emergency service like Alton Tree Services in West Hartford, CT, is so important.

Below, their team is discussing the benefits of having access to 24/7 tree emergency services.

Tree Rot

Tree rot isn’t just unsightly; in some cases, it can be dangerous. Don’t attempt to remove diseased or rotted branches on your own. A tree removal service can safely take care of dying trees so that they don’t fall over and damage your property or cause injury. Technicians can arrive quickly to remove rotting branches that may fall.

Storm Damage Clean Up

tree emergency serviceStorm damage can’t always be prevented, which is why having a tree emergency service is so helpful. After a hurricane or other extreme weather, trees are left uprooted and thrown onto properties and electric lines. These situations can be dangerous and require professional assistance. An expert tree service can safely remove dangerous trees and branches from your property after storms.

Tree Encroachment

If there is a tree on your property that leans dangerously close to your home, don’t wait until the last minute to deal with it. Leaning trees are at risk of falling, but they might also encroach on home foundations and electric utilities. If the tree causes an unexpected issue before you have a chance to get it removed, then a tree emergency service can help.

If you need tree emergency service in the West Hartford, CT, area, contact the team at Alton Tree Services. Whether you need last-minute tree removal or storm damage clean up, their professionals are equipped to tackle big and small jobs. Visit them online to learn more, or give them a call at (860) 236-8027. Be sure to like them on Facebook to stay in touch.
