
If you are like most homeowners, you probably don’t think about your roof very often. However, when you spot a leak or deal with heavy winds or hail, you start thinking about its health and what you need to do to safeguard your home. For many, the following questions are the first ones they want answered when they call a roofing contractor.

Common Roof Questions

1. Do I Need a Roof Replacement or Repair?

This is usually not a cut-and-dry question. It depends on whether or not you want a temporary fix or a long-term solution. Typically, if your roof has not sustained severe damage, is not leaking, or is not approaching the end of its lifespan, you can opt for repairs. Otherwise, it is a good idea to discuss replacement options with your roofing contractor.

2. How Long Should a Roof Last?

roof chesaning miGenerally, contractors say 20 years is the average for most roof types. However, there are several factors that can age a roof, including where your home is located, the type of material used, the quality of the construction and installation, and the level of wear it sustains each year.

3. Should I Replace My Entire Roof if It’s Only Leaking in One Area?

Not necessarily. Sometimes, repairs can be localized to the part of the roof that has sprung a leak. That being said, it is still important to have your roofing contractor inspect for further damage. If your roof is young, there is a chance it was improperly installed, and this has caused your current predicament. If it is a bit older, there is also the possibility other areas might start leaking in the near future. In both of these cases, it would be best to go ahead and have it replaced.

4. Is It Alright to Add a New Roof Over My Older One?

It depends. If you have asphalt shingles and no more than one current layer, it is usually possible to go ahead and add the new roofing layer over the older one. Just have an inspection to look for underlying structural damage and make sure your home can support the weight of two roofs. If you are changing materials, however, or are using a different one already, you will have to have the old one removed first. 


If you have other questions regarding your roof, contact the contractors at Maximum Roofing today. They have been providing repair and replacement services to the Chesaning and surrounding Michigan areas for over 15 years. To schedule a free estimate, call (989) 845-3373, or visit their website for more information about their services.
